Big data at the world’s biggest copper mine.

Data is the lifeblood of modern business. Across industries like healthcare, finance, and mining, vast datasets are analyzed to predict outcomes and drive operational efficiency. Nowhere is this more evident than within the mining sector.

Background: For this project, I partnered with one of the world’s largest mining firms to optimize operations at their record-setting open-pit mine – a site so massive it’s visible from space. The mine’s abundant data held incredible potential for optimization. The client’s data scientists had developed a powerful predictive model to boost productivity, but it needed a user-friendly interface for widespread adoption.

Process: To design an intuitive, workflow-integrated application, we immersed ourselves in the mine’s environment. On-site interviews with supervisors and production planners revealed critical factors for maximizing output. Through weekly design sprints, we iterated wireframes and clickable prototypes, incorporating direct user feedback.

Status: Our deliverables are now guiding the client’s development of the app, ensuring this data-driven solution seamlessly enhances the daily operations of the mine.